Use safer.

Everyone deserves access to overdose and disease prevention. Find free naloxone, fentanyl test strips and sterile syringes near you.

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Don't Hesitate to Call 911

In Arizona, we have a Good Samaritan law (Arizona Revised Statutes 13-3423). It means that if someone is experiencing an overdose or calls 911 about an overdose, they can’t be charged with possession or use of a controlled substance or paraphernalia.

Additional Resources

Get more information on how to use naloxone to reverse and overdose, how to test for fentanyl and how to inject safer.

How to Use Fentanyl Strips

Step 1

Get a small container, like a shot glass, and fill it halfway with water.

If you're testing a stimulant (meth, cocaine, MDMA), fill the container all the way.

Step 2

Get a little of the drug you want to test. The size of half a grain of rice is enough. If the drug isn't a powder, crush it for testing.

Step 3

Add the drug to the water and swirl it until it's dissolved.

Step 4

Dip the end of the strip with the wavy lines into the water. Make sure to keep the water below the thick line just above the waves. Hold the strip in the water for 10-15 seconds.

Step 5

Take the strip out of the water and wait for one to two minutes.

Step 6

If you see two red lines, there is no fentanyl in the sample.

If you see one red line, it means the drug you tested does contain fentanyl.

Using Naloxone to Stop an Overdose

If you believe someone is overdosing, it's important to act immediately. Naloxone reverses opioid overdoses, but it won't harm someone who's taken a different drug. So, you should always give naloxone, even if you don't know what kind of drug was taken.

Step 1 - Try to Wake Them

Shake them and call their name. Rub your knuckles hard against the center of their chest. If they do not respond, they are most likely overdosing and need immediate help.

Step 2 - Call 911

Tell the operator exactly where you are, and that the person is not breathing and unresponsive. You do not need to mention drugs.

Step 3 - Give Them Naloxone

There are two types of naloxone available: a nasal spray and an injectable.

To use the nasal spray - remove it from the packaging, place the tip in either nostril and press down the plunger.

To use the injectable - remove the cap from the naloxone vial, draw up 1cc naloxone and inject it straight into a muscle in the thighs or upper shoulder.

Step 4 - Start Rescue Breathing

Opioid overdoses rob the body of oxygen. Rescue breathing can help the person get crucial oxygen while the naloxone takes effect.

To give rescue breaths - lay the person flat on their back, tilt their chin up and pinch their nose closed. Give two quick breaths into their mouth. This should cause their chest to rise. Give one breath every 5 seconds until they start breathing or wake up.

When they begin to breathe on their own, roll them onto their side into a recovery position.

Step 5 - Give More Naloxone

If the person doesn't respond to the naloxone in 3 minutes, give them a second dose.

Step 6 - Aftercare

Because naloxone blocks opioids, it can cause withdrawal symptoms and the person may want to use again. Stay with them and keep them calm until help arrives. It's extremely important that they don't use again before the naloxone wears off to ensure they don't re-overdose.

How to Inject Safer

Keep Your Kit Fresh

Sharing equipment can lead to HIV or hepatitis C infections.

So always use your own kit and make sure all your supplies are clean (cooker, spoon, tourniquet).

If possible, use a fresh syringe and filter every time. If you absolutely have to reuse a syringe, wash it with cold water, bleach and then water again.

Don't lick the needle, it will transfer bacteria from your mouth, which can cause infection.

Your hands are part of your kit too, so make sure to wash your hands with soap and water or an alcohol pad. Then wipe the injection area with an alcohol pad, wiping in one direction.

Find a Vein, Not an Artery

To find a vein, use your tourniquet a few inches above the injection site. The tourniquet will help plump the vein up.

Before you inject, test to ensure you've hit a vein and not an artery by pulling back slightly on the syringe. If the blood is dark red, you've hit a vein.

If it's bright red, frothy and you feel it pushing back against the plunger, you've hit an artery. Take the syringe out, apply pressure and raise the limb before seeking medical attention.

Managing Skin Infections

Skin infections can happen while injecting if the skin isn't properly cleaned, non-sterile equipment is used, your drugs are contaminated, or a shot is missed.

If you miss a shot, make sure to apply ice, or any available frozen item, to the site and elevate the limb. If you see swelling the next day, apply heat using a cloth soaked in hot water.

Avoid injecting around, or below, an infection. And don't squeeze or poke an abscess if it forms. This can add more bacteria to the wound and make it worse.

Signs your injection site might be infected include: swelling, redness around the edges, pus, bad odor or smells, pain or loss of feeling, fever/chills.

If you are experiencing fever, chills, extreme fatigue or pain, get medical help. You might have a blood infection, which could be deadly.